Sunday, May 1, 2011

Quick Update

I am not sure if your children told you, but I was not at school on Friday. I will also be out again tomorrow. I had some concerns with my pregnancy and ended up at the hospital after the tornados on Wednesday night. Everything ended up being fine, but I just have to go back to Birmingham tomorrow for some tests. The doctor also wanted me to take it easy and get lots of rest over the weekend, so hopefully after tomorrow's appointment all will be back to normal!

Spring Fling will be THIS Thursday, May 5. Armbands may still be purchased until Wednesday. Please remember to send $10 to school in an envelope if you would like for you child to attend. We will still be having the hamburger/hotdog cookout that night, and those meals can be preordered this week. I will also let you know when our Field Trip gets rescheduled as soon as we find out.

We only have about a week and a half left for students to get A.R. Points! PLEASE make sure your children are reading books every night. If a student does not reach their goal for each grading period, he/she will not receive an A.R. t-shirt.

I may be a day late sending papers home, so if your child doesn't bring papers home on Tuesday, just look for them on Wednesday! Thanks for your understanding! :)

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