Monday, April 18, 2011

Great Job 3rd Grade!

Wow! What a great job our 3rd Graders did presenting "It's a Small World"! I am very proud of all the the students' hard work learing songs, speaking parts, and dances. They ALL did a wonderful job! I am also very thankful to all of my parents for getting costumes together, and working with their children to learn their parts.

As we are coming to an end of another school year, please remind your children to continue to come to school ready to learn and behave. Even though testing is over, the weather is nice, baseball/soccer/etc. has begun, and we are all getting "Spring Fever", we still have about 6 weeks of school remaining. We still have material to cover, and my expectations are as high as ever - academically and with behavior. Please continue to work with your children nightly with homework, and with any areas you see them lacking with.

I have ordered summer packets for ALL students in my class. This is a work packet that will go home towards the end of the school year, and will have material to work on over the summer. This is to ensure that students do not fall behind over the summer, and will be ready for 4th grade. Please don't stick these in a drawer, or throw away...a few minutes each day or even weekly WILL HELP. :)

Thanks for all you do!

Here are some pictures from our program. Enjoy!

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