Friday, August 23, 2013

First Week

We have survived the first week of 3rd Grade!!! It has been a great week, and I have already figured out that this is going to be an awesome class! This week has been rather hectic with all of the beginning of year testing we have to do, but it is OVER and we can start a real week of teaching and learning next week! Remember: Open House is Monday night at 6:00 p.m. We will all meet in the lunchroom to begin with, and then you are invited to my classroom. Our Coupon Book Fundraiser packet went home with your children yesterday (Thursday). The third grade teachers are offering rewards to those students who participate: If you child sells 1 book = 1 night with no homework, 3 books = 2 nights with no homework, 5 books = 3 nights with no homework, and 10 books = one week with no homework. Thanks so much in advance for your help with this! We have missed having one of our students at school this first week. Payton has been in the hospital at Children's in Birmingham all week, but thankfully he was released yesterday! We are happy he is getting better and look forward to his return next week!

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