Friday, December 9, 2011

Jingle Bells Strikes Again!

We arrived at school on Wednesday morning and found this...SHAVING CREAM! It was on all of our tables and desks! Jingle Bells decorated our room, and made a HUGE mess that we had to clean up. Hopefully he will be nice the rest of his time with us!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Messy Morning!

As most of you have heard, we have an elf. Yes, it is true...Santa sent us a class elf (his name is Jingle Bells) to watch over us until Christmas! He has done a few things to our room this year, and even brought the class candy canes, but this morning was bad! Jingle Bells scattered a box of tissue all over the room and emptied the hole punch in the floor. I guess he wanted SNOW! Here are some pictures from our morning.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Author Skype

Yesterday, our class had the opportunity to Skype with author Trudi Trueit. The students were able to do a writing activity with her, and ask her questions about her job. This was a great opportunity for the class!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Pumpkin Math Day

Today we spent the afternoon having "Pumpkin Math Day". Mrs. Rogers (1st grade) and I divided our class, and partnered a 3rd grader with a 1st grader to do math stations. All of the station activities centered around pumpkins. At one station, students constructed a Venn Diagram comparing two completely different looking pumpkins. At other, students estimated how many pumpkin seeds we had in a bowl and then counted by tens and then ones to find out. We also had a pattern activity as well as a graphing the number of lines on a pumpkin activity. The measurement station tested to see whether or not a pumpkin floated, how many inches and centimeters its circumference was, and how many cubes high it was. Then they recorded their findings in a document on the laptop. I really think the students enjoyed this activity, and hopefully we will have many more fun learning experiences like this. Here are some pictures from our day!

*These are just the students that were in my room, so if you don't see your child, he/she was in Mrs. Rogers class.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Just Say No!

Here is the video our class created for Drug Free Week. Please sign the permission slips that went home today, which gives us permission to submit to the TV station to broadcast. Thanks!

Class Pumpkin

I finished our class pumpkin today! It is the character from the Captain Underpants book series. Each class is decorating a pumpkin, and these will be auctioned off at the Fall Festival next Thursday.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Decade Day

Today was Decade Day at school. Mikyah, Chloe, and Claire dressed in 80's style, Trevor represented the 70's, and Amara the 50's.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

American Village

We all had a wonderful time today at American Village! Here are some pictures from our day!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Inside Out Day

Today we are celebrating GCHS Homecoming by dressing with our clothes Inside-Out! Here is a picture of some that participated.

Tomorrow is our Field Trip! Be at school at 6:45, with your t-shirt on and sack lunch.
School will dismiss at 12:00 on Friday, October 7. There will be NO Gym or Edge that day!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Homecoming Door

Thanks so much to our wonderful room mother Wendy Burns for decorating our class door for Homecoming! It looks GREAT!!!

Back to Blogging

After 2 weeks of being back at work, I have finally found time to update our class website. I will do much better now that I am back in a routine...I am still learning to balance taking care of a 3 month old and teaching! ;-) I am absolutely loving being back at work, and can't wait to watch your children grow and learn throughout this year. Please check the site weekly for pictures and updates of things going on in our room! If you have any questions or concerns email me -

- Please check your child's folder nightly and make sure he/she has completed ALL homework assignments. The reading passage that is found on the back side of the homework sheet is the same passage they are tested on each Thursday for comprehension. With that is assigned as fluency practice, but would be beneficial for you to listen to your child read and ask them questions about the passage.
- Conduct - I haven't seen any major behavior issues since I have been back at work, however talking is a problem. I have many in my class who have been talking out, talking while I am up teaching or talking to them, during tests, and when I have asked them to stop. It is so important that students listen and following rules. Not only are we learning 3rd grade skills in my classroom this year, I want to be sure my students learn how to be respectful and kind children. Please talk with your children at home about this, as we will continue to work on it at school.
-Homecoming Week - October 3-7 Please see notes sent home for dress up days. School will dismiss at 12:00 on Friday for the GCHS Parade. Please be on time to pick up your children!

Gadsden Job Corps

Thanks to Gadsden Job Corps for the yummy snacks this week!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

First Day News

There has been a change to my plan of being at school tomorrow to meet my new class. :-( I ended up at the ER on Friday afternoon, with gall stones and an appendix that was about to rupture. I had surgery yesterday morning, and came home this afternoon. Hopefully I will feel like visiting with my class later this week. Ms. Reeves will take good care of them! I can't wait to meet the class and all my parents very soon!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Welcome Back!!!

Welcome to 3rd Grade! I am so excited about my new class, and know this is going to be a great year! We will have supply drop off on Tuesday, August 9 from 7am-6pm and Friday August 12 from 7am-3pm. This is VERY helpful if you can go ahead and bring supplies before the first day. Please just make sure you put your child's name on everything, and wait about sending any money (workbook, donation, lunch) to school until the first day. Remember the school has the two required workbooks for you to purchase for $13.

As most of you know, I recently gave birth to my first baby, Cooper, on July 5. I will be taking a few weeks off at the beginning of school to spend a little more time with him. Ms. Sally Reeves will be doing my leave. She is a certified teacher, who also did her student teaching here at Mitchell, and is WONDERFUL! I have meet with her over the summer to prepare, and she is so excited and can't wait to meet the class! We will both be there the first day, and I will be back some to visit my class the first few weeks and stay involved and in contact with Ms. Reeves. My first day to return will be September 19.

Please email me,, at any time if you have any questions or concerns!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Cooper Bishop Wright

Cooper Bishop Wright
July 5, 2011
7 pounds, 12 ounces; 20 inches

Monday, May 30, 2011


Wow! I can hardly believe this school year is over! I think everyone would agree that this has been a GREAT year! I had 26 very special students this past year, and they will always have a place in my heart. I get so attached to your children, and do seem "lost" without seeing them, or hearing what's going on with them once they leave my class. I know they will all be very successful 4th graders. This has been a smart, caring, and fun group of students. I hope you all have a WONDERFUL summer break!!!

Last "teacher" comment - It would be VERY beneficial for students to work on those 4th grade summer packets I sent home...a little is better than none, so when they start getting bored in a few weeks...pull those out! :)

Have a fun and safe summer!!!

Mrs. Wright

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Field Trip

We had a great field trip today! Our class started the day with bowling, then went to Chick-fil-A for lunch, and finished the day with a visit to Judge Olgetree's Courtroom. It was a great day...well, other than one of the other 3rd grade teachers being arrested! :-) Allen from our class was chosen to be the judge, and he sent her straight to jail! Here are some pictures from our day.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Thank you all so much for having a SURPRISE baby shower for me!!! That was so sweet, and I appreciate it very much! All of my students did a wonderful job keeping the secret. Here are some pictures from that day.