Thursday, August 4, 2011

Welcome Back!!!

Welcome to 3rd Grade! I am so excited about my new class, and know this is going to be a great year! We will have supply drop off on Tuesday, August 9 from 7am-6pm and Friday August 12 from 7am-3pm. This is VERY helpful if you can go ahead and bring supplies before the first day. Please just make sure you put your child's name on everything, and wait about sending any money (workbook, donation, lunch) to school until the first day. Remember the school has the two required workbooks for you to purchase for $13.

As most of you know, I recently gave birth to my first baby, Cooper, on July 5. I will be taking a few weeks off at the beginning of school to spend a little more time with him. Ms. Sally Reeves will be doing my leave. She is a certified teacher, who also did her student teaching here at Mitchell, and is WONDERFUL! I have meet with her over the summer to prepare, and she is so excited and can't wait to meet the class! We will both be there the first day, and I will be back some to visit my class the first few weeks and stay involved and in contact with Ms. Reeves. My first day to return will be September 19.

Please email me,, at any time if you have any questions or concerns!

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