Monday, November 2, 2009

Good Morning! I have had several parents tell me that they are having problems leaving a comment. I have posted on this site (under the About Me section) directions for leaving a comment. You need a Google Account to do this, so I have created one for the class so that you won't have another user name and password to keep up with. You all can just use this one, but be sure to sign your name or your child's name so that I will know who all has visited our site.

We had a very nice Retirement Reception for Dr. Berry yesterday at the school. She loved the money tree that was given to her by the students, so thanks to those of you who participated in that. We all will really miss her!

At the time, we are still Principal-less! Many parents have been asking about who we will be getting, but we still don't know who it will be. We are all very anxious and excited to find out!! They have been interviewing for over a week, and we will find out tomorrow night at the Board Meeting. I will post on here tomorrow night, so be sure to check!

1 comment:

  1. I love this Blog!!!! Great way to see current pictures and also get updates on coming events.

    Amy Lemons
