Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I am just getting started blogging, so it may take me a few weeks to figure everything out. We have been doing so many fun things at school, so I think this will be a GREAT way to share all that we are doing with our families. I hope you enjoy, and please remember to check often for updates! I am going to post some pictures from the past month, so I hope you enjoy!

Today we made posters for Dr. Berry. In the morning, we are going to surprise her by having the entire school line up in the driveway to give her retirement wishes as she arrives (late, with the help of her husband). This is a surprise we are really looking forward to! We are really going to miss Dr. Berry!

This is a class picture from the field trip to Farm City. We had a great time and got to do and see lots of fun things!

First Grade Teachers at Farm City with a HUGE pumpkin! We had a blast!

We were taught all about milk at Farm City. We got to see this sweet lady milk a cow with her hands, and then by a machine. The kids really enjoyed this, and loved getting ice cream!

While learning about community helpers, we had a lesson from our local Firefighters. We got to see inside their fire truck, and some even got to sit in the driver seat and pull the siren.

Mrs. Wright's Class being silly at the Birmingham Zoo!

Getting ready for Zoo Trip!

Cookies I made for the class that went with our story Pig in a Wig.

Thanks to Mrs. Wendy Burns, our sweet room mother, for decorating our classroom door for GCHS Homecoming.