Friday, October 28, 2011

Pumpkin Math Day

Today we spent the afternoon having "Pumpkin Math Day". Mrs. Rogers (1st grade) and I divided our class, and partnered a 3rd grader with a 1st grader to do math stations. All of the station activities centered around pumpkins. At one station, students constructed a Venn Diagram comparing two completely different looking pumpkins. At other, students estimated how many pumpkin seeds we had in a bowl and then counted by tens and then ones to find out. We also had a pattern activity as well as a graphing the number of lines on a pumpkin activity. The measurement station tested to see whether or not a pumpkin floated, how many inches and centimeters its circumference was, and how many cubes high it was. Then they recorded their findings in a document on the laptop. I really think the students enjoyed this activity, and hopefully we will have many more fun learning experiences like this. Here are some pictures from our day!

*These are just the students that were in my room, so if you don't see your child, he/she was in Mrs. Rogers class.

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