Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I have had some parents express concern over some grades you have seen come home, so here is a bonus point activity for students!

This week our story was "If You Made A Million", and it taught us about things like interest, checks, and money. For 5 bonus points in Reading AND Language, students can post a comment on here (this post) telling what they would do if they had a million dollars. It MUST be 3-4 COMPLETE and correctly written sentences.

All you have to do is click on comment, and choose to post as ANONYMOUS (you don't have to have google account to post). I look forward to seeing your comments!!!

Don't forget your name on your comment!!!

Happy Wednesday!!!!

This MUST be submitted by Thursday, September 9, this will get the points added in before midterm reports go home!!!


  1. If I made a million dollars, I would put it in the bank and save it until I was old enough to go to Auburn. I would live off the interest while I was at Auburn. I would also pay for Paden, Hunter, Eric, and Jase to go to all the Auburn games with me. That is what I would do if I made a million dollars.

    J.J. Gray

  2. If i mande a million dollars, I would put it in the bank until i was old enough to go Alabama University. Until then I would use it to buy a house and a new Volkswagen Bug. I would also go shopping for clothes and shoes. That is what I would do if I made a million dollars.

    Alexis Beacham

  3. If I had a million dollars I would buy the entire Alabama Football team. I would also buy a helicopter to ride to all of the games. I would buy all of my friends who are for Alabama tickets for every game. Also, a big Roll Tide Roll for Saturday's game.
    Mitch Mabrey

  4. I wish someone had taught me about interest in third grade. I would be a lot better off today! :)

  5. If I made a million dollars, I would buy a puppy. I would buy my own computer. Also, I would buy lots of shoes for me and my mom because we love shoes. I would buy a new RV for my poppa to take to Desoto State Park and Alabama football games.

    Savanna Williams

  6. I would save it for something special. I would buy something special, like an ipod. I could buy a flat screen tv for my mom and dad. I don't think you should spend it right when you get it.

    Sara Margaret
