Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day Weekend!

On Friday we had a hectic day with the early dismissal and trying to finish all of our Friday testing, but we still managed to have a great Valentine Party. Luckily, Mrs. Burns, was able to come to the school a few hours early and give the class a terrific party. Thank you so much for all you do!!! Also, thank you all so much for all of the sweet cards, and goodies that you gave me for Valentine's Day. I had a ton of chocolate and candy all weekend and enjoyed it all! I also got a very unique gift from one of my sweet boys, Jaylen. He gave me a beta fish and vase to keep it in. This is going to be our new class pet! How exciting!!! We had a little contest to decide his name (each child got to write one name on a slip of paper), and with the help of about 7 other teachers, it was decided that our fish would be named Valentine. Thanks Garrett for that great idea! I have posted some pictures from our party, and will post one of Valentine soon! Hope you all enjoyed your day off today! Too bad we didn't get the snow to play in! :(
See you all tomorrow!!!

The class with their cute "Love Bug" hats that Mrs. Burn made for them.

The winner of the Girl Valentine Box - Julie
The winner of the Boy Valentine Box - Trace

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