Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Welcome Back!!!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break! We are having a great week so far. Remember if you want your child to have his or her picture made with Santa on Thursday, you must prepay for this. Please send money to school with your child tomorrow if you would like those pictures. We will have another dress up day on Friday - 50's Decade Day. Students must pay $1 to dress up. Our sweet room mother, Wendy Burns, is already busy working on things for the Class Christmas Party. Please send $10 (which covers both the Christmas and Valentine Parties) to school as soon as possible. We will also have a book swap during our party, please see the note that was sent home for more information. If you have any questions, please email me anytime.

I bet you have tons of question about the Elf (Jingle Bells) that we have in our classroom. :) Well, it's true! Santa sent my class last year an Elf to live with us in our classroom until Christmas break. This helps Santa with his naughty and nice list! Yesterday, to our surprise, Jingle Bells returned! The kids are so excited, and can't wait to see what he has done from day to day. This morning, he had gotten into my treasure box, and gave everyone a Christmas pencil! But he can also be naughty to when he rolled my entire room last year while we were at lunch! He also brought a book - The Elf on the Shelf, which tells more about how he works. I will post more pictures as we get closer to Christmas! :) I just love this time of year!!!

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