Monday, November 16, 2009


I hope everyone had a GREAT Monday!!! We had our end of unit test in Reading today and my class did EXCELLENT!!! I am very proud of them. I also really appreciate all you are doing at home, from weekly reading assignments to math facts practice and reading A.R. books.

I don't think we will get to go to the library any this week because of the book fair, so I will have to exchange books within the classroom. Be sure to listen to your child read and ask them questions about their books, and have them retell the story to you without looking back at it. When students take DIBELS test next month, they will be tested on Oral Reading Fluency and will have to retell what they have read. Having them practice this with their A.R. books will be great.

Mid-term Progress Reports went home today. Please sign and return these to me by Wednesday. I was very proud of all my good grades! Most students have already reached their A.R. goal too. If you have any questions, or would like to set up a conference, please feel free to email me at any time -

Remember to send money with your child either tomorrow or Wednesday for the book fair. They really enjoyed making their "Wish List" today. Tomorrow is also the last day for the Food Drive. Please send any extra can goods to school...students and parents :) will get a week off from Reading homework when they donate 5 cans!

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