Saturday, November 21, 2009

Have a GREAT Thanksgiving Break!

I hope everyone has a safe, fun, and happy Thanksgiving break! We had a great day yesterday. We started off the morning by watching the Kindergarten Thanksgiving Program, they did an excellent job and my class loved it! They all sang along and did the dance motions. Friday was also Alabama/Auburn dress up day. I had some participate, and they were actually all Alabama Auburn gear in my entire class!!! Wow...I knew they were a smart group! :) Don't forget to read over our break! See you on Monday, November 30!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wow!!!! Our food drive was a HUGE success!!! Our school has collected 1203 items! Great job! Thanks so much to all of those to helped make this such a success. (And ENJOY your week off of reading HW!) We are collecting items for a parent (and his unit) who is serving our country in Iraq. Please see the note that went home today. Thanks again for all of your help and support with all that is going on!

Monday, November 16, 2009


I hope everyone had a GREAT Monday!!! We had our end of unit test in Reading today and my class did EXCELLENT!!! I am very proud of them. I also really appreciate all you are doing at home, from weekly reading assignments to math facts practice and reading A.R. books.

I don't think we will get to go to the library any this week because of the book fair, so I will have to exchange books within the classroom. Be sure to listen to your child read and ask them questions about their books, and have them retell the story to you without looking back at it. When students take DIBELS test next month, they will be tested on Oral Reading Fluency and will have to retell what they have read. Having them practice this with their A.R. books will be great.

Mid-term Progress Reports went home today. Please sign and return these to me by Wednesday. I was very proud of all my good grades! Most students have already reached their A.R. goal too. If you have any questions, or would like to set up a conference, please feel free to email me at any time -

Remember to send money with your child either tomorrow or Wednesday for the book fair. They really enjoyed making their "Wish List" today. Tomorrow is also the last day for the Food Drive. Please send any extra can goods to school...students and parents :) will get a week off from Reading homework when they donate 5 cans!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day!

I hope you all have a great day off for Veteran's Day! I have just a few reminders and updates for this week so far. As you all know we have a new principal, Mr. Russ Waits. Some of you have probably seen him either in the mornings or afternoons in the car line. We are all so very excited to have him at our school. He wants all of the students to introduce themselves to him, and to let him know a little about them. So we will be sending home an activity for home in the next few days, and will also do something along with it at school. Be sure to check your child's purple folder for this.

We are having a food drive at school this week. We talked today in class about helping those less fortunate that us, so if you see your child digging in the pantry please allow it! :) The bins are divided by Alabama/Auburn, and we really look forward to seeing who wins each day.

First Grade will have Thanksgiving Lunch on Thursday, November 19. If you or another family member would like to come have lunch with our class, reservations and money have to be turned in by this Friday (November 13).

We are celebrating Christmas at Mitchell a little different this year, and are very excited about it! Our theme is going to be "A Storybook Christmas". We will have several activities planned around this theme, and I really think the students will enjoy it. One thing we are going to do is have a book swap during our class Christmas Party, rather than exchanging gifts. Each student will bring a book (around $5) to school on the day of the party. More information will go home later, I just wanted to let you know because the book fair is coming up next week at school and this would be an excellent time to get your child's book for this.
Hope you all have a safe a fun Veteran's Day and remember those who serve or have served our country!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Storybook Character Day

Here are some pictures from today!!! I had a lot of cute storybook characters in my class. The first grade teachers even dressed up and I think all of the students loved it. We were the 3 Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf! :) Mrs. Lancaster agreed to dress up as the Big Bad Wolf, so we all had a great time! Oh, I almost forgot ... we won in the teacher division!!! I will not be at school tomorrow, so I hope you all do GREAT on your Friday tests, I know you will :) and have a good weekend!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

We finally found out who our next principal will be ..... Russ Waits!!! He is currently the Band Director at GCHS, and will begin at our school on Monday!!! We are very excited about this, and can't wait to welcome him to our school next week. I am actually a former student of his (Emma Sansom Band/Danceline) and taught his daughter last year, so I am thrilled!!!

Remember - School will dismiss tomorrow at 12:00, and there will be no gym or EDGE.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Good Morning! I have had several parents tell me that they are having problems leaving a comment. I have posted on this site (under the About Me section) directions for leaving a comment. You need a Google Account to do this, so I have created one for the class so that you won't have another user name and password to keep up with. You all can just use this one, but be sure to sign your name or your child's name so that I will know who all has visited our site.

We had a very nice Retirement Reception for Dr. Berry yesterday at the school. She loved the money tree that was given to her by the students, so thanks to those of you who participated in that. We all will really miss her!

At the time, we are still Principal-less! Many parents have been asking about who we will be getting, but we still don't know who it will be. We are all very anxious and excited to find out!! They have been interviewing for over a week, and we will find out tomorrow night at the Board Meeting. I will post on here tomorrow night, so be sure to check!