Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Testing Update/Incentives

Testing is here!!! I wanted to share some of the incentives we have going on these next two weeks during testing. We have really been trying to put an emphasis on EFFORT at Mitchell, and in our classroom. I don't expect anything more from my students than what they are capable of doing...but I do expect their BEST. We have really talked about how they can put forth their best effort during testing. They can do this by using all the time they have - by going back and rereading/reworking/checking all of their work, making sure bubbles are filled in completely and correctly, and making sure they are giving their absolute best work. If I see their best effort (and I will be looking), students will get a daily treat/reward, that goes with our daily theme. Students will also have their name entered into a drawing for an iPod Touch! That's right - one lucky student will win this at the end of testing. Students who try their hardest and show me that they are putting forth their best effort will have their name put into the jar to win the iPod - this can be done all four days of testing, so the more effort...the more chances to win!!! Please talk with your children nightly and on the way to school about trying their best, and cheer them on!!!

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