Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Our Class Pet - Valentine

Here he is...our class pet, Valentine! This is the beta fish I got from Jaylen on Valentine's Day, and it is going to be our class pet. The kids (and myself) are very excited about this!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day Weekend!

On Friday we had a hectic day with the early dismissal and trying to finish all of our Friday testing, but we still managed to have a great Valentine Party. Luckily, Mrs. Burns, was able to come to the school a few hours early and give the class a terrific party. Thank you so much for all you do!!! Also, thank you all so much for all of the sweet cards, and goodies that you gave me for Valentine's Day. I had a ton of chocolate and candy all weekend and enjoyed it all! I also got a very unique gift from one of my sweet boys, Jaylen. He gave me a beta fish and vase to keep it in. This is going to be our new class pet! How exciting!!! We had a little contest to decide his name (each child got to write one name on a slip of paper), and with the help of about 7 other teachers, it was decided that our fish would be named Valentine. Thanks Garrett for that great idea! I have posted some pictures from our party, and will post one of Valentine soon! Hope you all enjoyed your day off today! Too bad we didn't get the snow to play in! :(
See you all tomorrow!!!

The class with their cute "Love Bug" hats that Mrs. Burn made for them.

The winner of the Girl Valentine Box - Julie
The winner of the Boy Valentine Box - Trace

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Big Thanks!!!

I just wanted to share with you some great and exciting news! Gadsden Job Corps has "adopted" our entire first grade at Mitchell, and they are really doing some great things! On Tuesday afternoon they came and completely emptied our rooms to sweep, mop and buff our floors. On Wednesday, they came and changed our big bulletin boards that are outside our rooms in the hallway (which is very time consuming to do). Today, they sent their culinary students with freshly baked cookies as snack for all of the students, and gave all four of the first grade teachers a huge basket filled with things we need. In this basket, we had ink (black and color) for the printers in our rooms, tons of sharpies, a case of copy paper, high lighters, page protectors, several other goodies, and the biggie - a bulb for our digital projectors (these are extremely EXPENSIVE and I use my projector many times throughout the day)!!! This is truly a blessing to have such kind and generous people in our community that enjoy helping others. They will be coming monthly to clean our rooms, decorate bulletin boards, and bring snacks for the students. We are very appreciative and so thankful that Gadsden Job Corps chose us to adopt!

Hopefully the weather forecast is wrong, and we will be able to be at school all day tomorrow without any SNOW! Our Class Valentine Party is at 1:30 in the classroom, and all parents are welcome to come. Our room mother, Mrs. Wendy Burns, has been working very hard for several weeks on this party and I know it will be great! Thanks Wendy for all you do!!! Hope to see some of you there! I will post pictures over the weekend for those of you who can't come. Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Fun Friday

Since we have been reading about art and artists all week, I decided to let my class become "artists" this afternoon. We had lots of fun! I will be sending their masterpieces home soon, I just want to display them here for a few days. :) It was crayola washable paint, just in case anyone went home with some on their clothes. We were very, very careful and those who had art t-shirts wore them. Here are some pictures for you to see how much fun we had! Have a great weekend!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

This week we are studying about family traditions. Talk to your parents about a tradition your family has. Click "comment" under this post and write a sentence about your family's tradition. This can be anything from weekly outings to big yearly events! Have fun! There are directions on how to leave a comment on the side column. Remember to sign your name so I can make sure you get credit for this! See you in the morning!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy Monday!!!

I hope everyone has figured out how to get the email subscription to our class blog set up! I just want to share with all of you what a great week our class had last week. We had our big end of the unit reading test, (this was the first time for students to take this long of a test on the computer), and everyone in my class either made an A or a B!!!! After looking at the questions that were missed, I only had to reteach and go back over 4 areas. Wow! A few were actually just tricky worded questions, too! I am so very proud of this smart group of 1st graders! We also had a math unit test, and I had all A's and B's on it as well! I am very proud of the growth I have see so far with each one of my students, and I am very thankful and apprecite all of the hard work you do at home. It really shows!!!

For the month of February, we will go back to bringing in items for the treat and treasure box on your child's leader day. Thank you so much for the paper you all sent during the month of January. It has been a huge help!

Also note on the calendar, we WILL be in school on Monday, February 15. This was scheduled for a weather day, but since we had to use a weather day on January 8, we will be in school on Monday, February 15. Please make note of this!