Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Subscribing to Updates

I have added a link so that you can subscribe to updates to our blog by email, rather than having to check daily or weekly. This way you will just get an email each time I have a new posting. The link is on the top of the right column. There are only a few steps to this, and I think this will make keeping up with our blog much easier for you! Have a great Tuesday!!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Helping Others

Here are some pictures of the students getting to take a tour of one of the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Vehicles. We were very exctied to hear how this vehicle helps people, and are thankful that we were able to donate money to help the people of Haiti.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Haiti Relief Totals

Great news Mitchell families!!! Our school exceeded it goal of $1000, and actually doubled it! We raised $2059.65 in only 2 days for the American Red Cross/Haiti Relief Fund. Way to go!!!!! I am thankful to be a part of such a caring group of children! Thanks for all of you help!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I just finished counting my class' Red Cross/Haiti Relief donation money, and we brought in $118!!! Great Job!! I am very happy with the giving spirit my class has shown this morning! Thanks for all of your help and participation! I will give a school total as soon as we get it all counted.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Reminders

I have a few reminders for this week:
* Please send a pack of copy paper to school with your child on their leader day this month. We have plenty of items for treat and treasure box, so this would help out lots!
* We are doing an art activity this week, and need empty toilet paper rolls. Please send this to school by WEDNESDAY. If you have extras at home, please send those. Thanks for all of your help.

On Thursday I took the class outside to see/play in the snow, and took a few pictures. I will post those soon, so watch for them! The kids loved it!!

I want to see how many parents are using this great resource, so if you are reading this post, PLEASE leave a comment - it can just be your name and your child's name. I am just curious! :) Thanks for your help!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Welcome Back!!!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas break! I did, but was actually ready to come back to school! I have missed all of my students very much. I have your child's DIBELS scores, and hope to meet with most of you for conferences soon. I like to do this mid-year, so please be watching for notes coming home.

I have a few important reminders for this week:
* We will be changing over to SUBTRACTION for our Math Facts test. PLEASE be sure to do the practice sheet for tonight and Thursday night!
* We WILL have a Spelling Test this week on the list beginning with ask. The date was wrong on the Spelling List (It has 01/15).
*** On your child's leader day this month, please send a pack of copy paper. I have plenty of items for the treat and treasure box, and I am running REALLY low on paper.

Thanks so much for all of your help!