Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Our First Christmas Card!

Our class is participating in a Christmas card exchange, and we received our first card today! It was from a 2nd grade class   in Pulaski, Wisconsin. We mailed ours yesterday, 27 are going to other states in the U.S.A. and two are going to other countries! Hopefully we will get all 29 of our cards before we are out for the holidays! 
Our elf made himself comfortable last night! This morning he was found reading  a book, all covered up, and eating a Snickers!!! I think he found my snack basket behind my desk! ;-) 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Morning Surprise!

Looks like our class elf, Jingle Bells, is back! 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Santa's Village and Elf University

What a fun day!! We all became official elves after attending a morning full of classes at Elf University. We then visited Santa's Village, where we had story time with Mrs. Claus, snacks, cookie making class, craft time, and even a little dancing! Thanks so much to all the parents who attended! Here are some pictures from our fun day! 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Field Trip and Important Reminder

We have a field trip planned for Monday, November 25. Third Grade will be going to Huntsville to visit Santa's Village and attend Elf University for the day. Please see your child's folder today for more information! Money and permission slips are due Wednesday, November 13 by 8:00 a.m.

Also, please remember to send a scarf, toboggan, and mittens/gloves to school with your child this Thursday! We are doing a class picture and video for our Christmas card project. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Food Drive and Coin Wars Week

This week we have several things going on to help our community and school. We are having our annual Beta Club canned food drive this week. Students earn a homework pass for every 5 cans they bring to school. This is a great way to teach students about helping others and getting the night off from homework at the same time! We are also doing coin wars, which earns money for books for our classroom libraries. Thanks for your help with all of this! Also remember to send in box tops. You can send these in at any time! They can be in a zip lock bag, envelope, etc. They do not have to be glued to the sheet we send home. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Thanks to Gadsden Rotary Club!

The class was super excited about getting their very own dictionary today! 
Today, the Gadsden Rotary Club presented all of the 3rd Graders at Mitchell with their very own dictionary. This was very kind of them and I know having a dictionary will be very beneficial to my students. Since we are learning about friendly letters this week, all of my students wrote the members of Gadsden Rotary Club a very nice and well written thank you note! :-) 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

International Program

Here are some pictures from our 3rd grade program tonight! I'm so very proud of this group of kids! You all did an awesome job! 

Class Pumpkins

Our school will be auctioning off all of these awesome pumpkins next Tuesday at the Fall Festival. Be sure to stop by the front lobby and have a look! 
This is our class pumpkin, made by our sweet room mother, Ashley Collier. Thanks for all of your hard work! It looks great!!! 

Drug Free! Way to Be!!!

We are wearing red today in support of being drug free! 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Be A Champion! Read!

These students participated in Be A Champion! Read! and have been entered in a drawing for tickets to this year's Alabama/Auburn game. They kept a reading log, and read six AR books and successfully passed tests on each! Way to go!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Crazy Hair/Crazy Sock Day

It's a CRAZY day at Mitchell today!!

Door Decoration

Thanks so much to our wonderful Room Mother, Ashley Collier, for decorating our classroom door! It looks awesome!!!

Duck Dynasty Day

We are having another fun day celebrating GCHS Homecoming! 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Mustache Monday

Today we are celebrating GCHS Homecoming by wearing mustaches! 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Cyber Safety Video

Today, some of my students made a cyber safety video with an awesome app Mrs. Rogers found for us! Great job Mikenlee, Garrett, Brady, Gracyn, Kennedy, Que'Lani, Max, and Holly!!! See if you can figure out who each puppet is! :-)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Skype Today

Today we had the opportunity to SKYPE with the Brain Pop, and Brain Pop Jr. creator - Mike Watanabe. It was a mystery SKYPE, so we asked questions to help us figure out his location, and figured out he was in Hawaii! Here are some pictures from today!
Remember: Grandparent's Picnic is at 11:00 tomorrow. Please come to the classroom to sign your child out first.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Tweet it! My favorite thing about 3rd Grade is ...

We are using a Twitter Board this year, as our exits slips to check what students have learned, still have questions about, or just for fun! Our first tweet was on Friday, and we tweeted on our favorite thing about 3rd Grade so far. A few of them were : my new locker, meeting new friends, learning new things, doing math, and my new teacher! :-)

Friday, August 23, 2013

First Week

We have survived the first week of 3rd Grade!!! It has been a great week, and I have already figured out that this is going to be an awesome class! This week has been rather hectic with all of the beginning of year testing we have to do, but it is OVER and we can start a real week of teaching and learning next week! Remember: Open House is Monday night at 6:00 p.m. We will all meet in the lunchroom to begin with, and then you are invited to my classroom. Our Coupon Book Fundraiser packet went home with your children yesterday (Thursday). The third grade teachers are offering rewards to those students who participate: If you child sells 1 book = 1 night with no homework, 3 books = 2 nights with no homework, 5 books = 3 nights with no homework, and 10 books = one week with no homework. Thanks so much in advance for your help with this! We have missed having one of our students at school this first week. Payton has been in the hospital at Children's in Birmingham all week, but thankfully he was released yesterday! We are happy he is getting better and look forward to his return next week!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Welcome To 3rd Grade!

Welcome Back! I am very excited and looking forward to meeting my new class very soon! We will have supply drop off on Thursday, August 15 from 7 am - 6 pm and Friday, August 16 from 8 am -3 pm. If I am not in my classroom, please put your child's supplies on his/her desk and chair. Also, please make sure you have written his/her name on each item. Remember, crayons, scissors and glue go inside zipper pack - this will stay in the classroom. If you would like an additional zipper pack for your child's folder that will be fine. Also, please do not send mechanical pencils or pencil sharpners to school with your child.

Go ahead and mark your calendars! PTSO Open House is on Monday August 26 at 6:00 pm.

I am very excited to have your child in my class for 3rd grade! It is going to be great year!! Please feel free to email me at any time with questions,

Mrs. Wright 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Congratulations to Sydney and M.J.! Sydney was the top cookie sales winner in our class and in the ENTIRE 3rd Grade! That means she gets a WEEK off homework AND a lunch outing to Stevie B's in a LIMO!!! Thanks for your hard work Sydney! M.J. will represent our class on Wednesday as our "Mathathlete" for Word Math Day. He had the highest points in our class in the World Math Day 2013 competition! Way to go, M.J.!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Today we are celebrating Dr. Seuss Day! Here is a picture of some of our favorite Dr. Seuss characters!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Caught Being KindI

I caught these two boys being kind this morning! They were both on their way to the snack cart this morning, and suddenly had a change of heart! They both decided to do without snack today, and kindly donate that money to our pennies for patients drive that is ending today. They chose to help others who are in much greater need than them today, and that made me so happy! Thank you ALL who sent pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollars for this great cause!