Tuesday, October 30, 2012

We Voted!

Today our class participated in a mock election. Thanks so much for talking with your children about the candidates! Please remember to send in canned goods for our school's food drive! For every five cans your child brings in he/she will get a homework pass! :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Coin Wars Pizza Party

Today, 3rd Grade was rewarded with a pizza party for winning Coin Wars. Here are some pictures from our fun afternoon!

Wacky Hair and Crazy Sock Day

Today has been another fun day celebrating homecoming! Here is a picture of Wacky Hair and Crazy Sock day!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Mustache Monday

Bury Those Tigers

Thank you so much to our wonderful room mother, Rhonda Underwood, for decorating our door for homecoming week! It looks AWESOME!!! Go Titans!


3rd Grade won the overall Coin Wars Contest!!! Way to Go 3rd Grade!!! We will have a pizza party on Thursday of this week to celebrate! Thanks so much to all of the parents who sent money to support our school! We raised a total of $1,669.82.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Homecoming Week

Next week is Homecoming week for Gadsden City High School! Go Titans!!! We will participating in this by having dress up days next week, and getting out early on Friday to go watch the parade. It is going to be a FUN week! A note was sent home on Thursday about the activities planned for next week, see below for a reminder. Monday - Mustache Monday Tuesday - Wacky Hair/Crazy Sock Day Wednesday - Nerd Day Thursday - Titan Spirit Day...Wear your Titan gear! We will have a Pep Rally at 2:00 Friday - Early Dismissal at 12:00 - Please be on time to get your child. There will be NO Gym or EDGE!!! I will post pictures each day!

We won!

Third Grade won Coin Wars on Thursday!!! Thank you all so much for sending money to help buy books for our classrooms! The students have loved this! Also, thanks so much to Zyler's mom, Mrs. Higgins, for introducing our school to coin wars and working so hard this week for our school! As of Thursday, our school has raised a total of $1,410.09. How AWESOME is that?!?!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Coin Wars

Remember to bring in any extra change this week for Coin Wars! This is a great way for the school to earn money to purchase books to use in all classrooms. Today our school raised a total of $224.38. 2nd grade was the winning class. Please send in change each day this week! Remember - pennies earns points for our grade, and other coins and dollars bombs the other grades to help us win!

Monday, October 1, 2012

American Village

We had a WONDERFUL Field Trip to American Village! Thanks so much to all my parents who attended this trip! Here are some pictures from our fun day!