Tuesday, February 14, 2012

January Student of the Month

The Student of the Month for January came from our class! Congratulations Claire!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had our class Valentine's Party on Friday, and thanks to our wonderful room mother Wendy Burns, it was GREAT! We ate yummy food and played BINGO! Here are some pictures of the boxes the students made. They were all so cute and very creative. The girl winner was Claire, who created a box full of candy. Jackson was the boy box winner, whose box was Castle Burns.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

iPad Time

Congratulations to Payton! He was the first student in my class to finish Math Facts testing! That means he has no math facts homework nightly, and today while the other students took their test, Payton was given iPad time. We are excited to have an iPad in each classroom, and I am looking forward to using it with all my students!


So sorry that I have gotten a little behind with our class blog. I will try to do better! Thank you all so much for all your hard work raising money for Pennies for Patients. Our school raised over $3000, and our class raised a total of $188.37! I am so proud of you all! We are currently having a fundraiser by selling cookie dough. Orders and money are due next Tuesday, January 7. Remember the top seller in my class will get ONE WEEK with NO HOMEWORK!!! How awesome is that?!?! Mr. Waits plans to use this money to purchase more iPods and iPads for our school, and do a few more updates to the school's playground. Thanks for all your help!