Monday, August 30, 2010

Rounding Fun!!!

Today we learned a song to help us remember how to round numbers. They did a great job, so I wanted to share!!! We rounded to the nearest ten and hundred today, and some students had homework tonight to rework some of the problems they missed. I had them bring home the words to the song and a football field - these were two tools we used today while learning our rounding rules. Hope this helps as you reinforce what we have learned today at school. Thanks for all your help!

Sorry - the video is a little blurry... I had to use my blackberry!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bone Dance

I know some of you are overwhelmed trying to study for the bone test on Friday, so here is a fun video to watch! The class loved watching it today, and I wanted to share it on here so you can watch it again. We are getting more into our regular routines at school, so hopefully grades will continue to improve as children adjust to being back in school and on a schedule.

Thanks to all the parents who came to PTSO Open House last night. I really appreciate you coming!

PLEASE check your child's folder daily - sometimes, homework may be added depending on how the day goes, and if extra time or practice is needed at the last minute.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday Fun!!!

This week we started a unit on the human body in science. We have been talking about how bones hold our body together to give us shape and protection, and help our body move. So, we went outside to jump rope! While doing this, we worked with partners and watched them jump rope looking to see how many parts of our body move while jumping rope. The class had a great time! Here are some pictures for you to enjoy!

I hope you all have a great weekend! Remember, Monday night is PTO meeting at 6:00, I have only had about 7 parents join PTO so remember to send your $5 on Monday. All students who have at least one parent join will get 10 bonus points on any test. Hope to see you all Monday night!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Welcome to 3rd Grade!!!

Welcome to my class! I am so excited about teaching 3rd Grade, and think I have an awesome class!!! We will use this web site for sharing information, as well as for some interactive activites. I really like to share pictures with parents this way, so be sure to check often for updates.

Things to know for this week:
- Students may begin taking AR tests this week, so make sure they read EVERY night!

-We want to have 100% classroom participation in our school's PTSO, so be sure to send your $5 to join (per person). Each child who has at least one family member join, will get 10 bonus points on any test!!! :) Parents will also get a surprise gift too! Each classroom who has 100% will also get an ice cream party! I really want this for my class, so please send money as soon as possible!

-Dates to remember for next week: PTSO Open House will be on Monday, August 23 at 6:00 pm in the lunchroom, and then go to your child's classroom. Fall Pictures will be Wednesday, August 25.

- If you have ANY questions, please email me anytime at