Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Few Reminders for Tomorrow

Tomorrow (Friday, April 16) is Spring Picture Day! We will also take a class picture in the front hallway, so be sure to be here on time and with a SMILE!

The yearbook sale also ends tomorrow. Yearbooks are $25, please remember to send your money if you would like to have a yearbook from this year.

We are selling armbands ($10) for the Spring Fling. It is next Friday afternoon, beginning at 2:30. There will be all kinds of games, pie in the teachers' face (not mine!), dunk booth (I will be in this either from 3:00-3:30 or 4:30-5:00), sock hop from 5-6, and a hamburger and hotdog cookout. This is a great thing for the Mitchell Family and hope to see you all there!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Principal Horton

Here are some pictures from Jaylen's big day as principal of Mitchell Elementary School. He did a great job, and got to ride in a limo to lunch at Stevie B's!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Congratulations to Jaylen! He was the top salesman for the Flower Power Fundraiser in the entire First Grade, and will be going to lunch with Mr. Waits in a limo!!! How exciting!!! AND get this....He was the TOP SALESMAN in the ENTIRE school!!! He will get to be the Principal for the day!!! WOW!

We had a very fun day today (once we were all finished with testing this morning). It started off by having cupcakes from the Gadsden Job Corp Group that has adopted our grade level. Then, after lunch those first graders who participate in the Flower Power fundraiser got to eat ice cream on the patio, and then come join the rest of the class who were playing outside by the track. At the end of the day, the flower salemens from the school got to watch the new Chipmunks movie in the gym and eat popcorn, while the rest of the class played outside. We are really enjoying this beautiful weather! I have a feeling most of my class went home full and tired today!

I hope you all have a wonderful long weekend! Happy Easter!