Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Thanks to Gadsden Rotary Club!

The class was super excited about getting their very own dictionary today! 
Today, the Gadsden Rotary Club presented all of the 3rd Graders at Mitchell with their very own dictionary. This was very kind of them and I know having a dictionary will be very beneficial to my students. Since we are learning about friendly letters this week, all of my students wrote the members of Gadsden Rotary Club a very nice and well written thank you note! :-) 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

International Program

Here are some pictures from our 3rd grade program tonight! I'm so very proud of this group of kids! You all did an awesome job! 

Class Pumpkins

Our school will be auctioning off all of these awesome pumpkins next Tuesday at the Fall Festival. Be sure to stop by the front lobby and have a look! 
This is our class pumpkin, made by our sweet room mother, Ashley Collier. Thanks for all of your hard work! It looks great!!! 

Drug Free! Way to Be!!!

We are wearing red today in support of being drug free! 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Be A Champion! Read!

These students participated in Be A Champion! Read! and have been entered in a drawing for tickets to this year's Alabama/Auburn game. They kept a reading log, and read six AR books and successfully passed tests on each! Way to go!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Crazy Hair/Crazy Sock Day

It's a CRAZY day at Mitchell today!!

Door Decoration

Thanks so much to our wonderful Room Mother, Ashley Collier, for decorating our classroom door! It looks awesome!!!

Duck Dynasty Day

We are having another fun day celebrating GCHS Homecoming!