Friday, September 30, 2011

Homecoming Door

Thanks so much to our wonderful room mother Wendy Burns for decorating our class door for Homecoming! It looks GREAT!!!

Back to Blogging

After 2 weeks of being back at work, I have finally found time to update our class website. I will do much better now that I am back in a routine...I am still learning to balance taking care of a 3 month old and teaching! ;-) I am absolutely loving being back at work, and can't wait to watch your children grow and learn throughout this year. Please check the site weekly for pictures and updates of things going on in our room! If you have any questions or concerns email me -

- Please check your child's folder nightly and make sure he/she has completed ALL homework assignments. The reading passage that is found on the back side of the homework sheet is the same passage they are tested on each Thursday for comprehension. With that is assigned as fluency practice, but would be beneficial for you to listen to your child read and ask them questions about the passage.
- Conduct - I haven't seen any major behavior issues since I have been back at work, however talking is a problem. I have many in my class who have been talking out, talking while I am up teaching or talking to them, during tests, and when I have asked them to stop. It is so important that students listen and following rules. Not only are we learning 3rd grade skills in my classroom this year, I want to be sure my students learn how to be respectful and kind children. Please talk with your children at home about this, as we will continue to work on it at school.
-Homecoming Week - October 3-7 Please see notes sent home for dress up days. School will dismiss at 12:00 on Friday for the GCHS Parade. Please be on time to pick up your children!

Gadsden Job Corps

Thanks to Gadsden Job Corps for the yummy snacks this week!