Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Testing Dates

We have our SAT/ARMT Schedule. Please make note of this at home. These date are VERY, VERY important!!!

Wednesday, March 23
3rd Grade ARMT Reading

Thursday, March 24
3rd Grade ARMT Math

Tuesday, March 29
3rd Grade SAT Math Procedures
3rd Grade Math Problem Solving

Wednesday, March 30
3rd Grade Word Study Skills
3rd Grade Reading Vocabulary
3rd Grade Reading Comprehension

Thursday, March 31
3rd Grade OLSAT

Reseach shows that students who take these tests in their classroom, in their "normal" setting, on the scheduled day, do much better than students who have to make up tests. It is soooooooo important that your child be at school and on time on these scheduled days. We will be sending more information home closer to testing. I just wanted to go ahead and share these dates with you.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Recently, students made predictions on whether they thought Baby Wright was going to be a boy or girl. We were able to use what we have learned about fractions to determine what fraction guessed boy, and what fraction guessed girl. As you can see 9/24 predicted girl, and 15/24 predicted boy. Those who guessed boy were correct! It's a BOY! The students seem to really be enjoying my pregnancy, and love to let me know each day if my belly is "sticking out" or "looking rounder"! They are a very sweet and caring bunch of kids, and I love having them in my class!

Valentine Party

Congratulations to Taurus, J.J., Abby, and Harper for winning the Valentine box competition! We had so many wonderful boxes in our class, and had a GREAT party!!! Thank you Melanie for making our party such fun!!! We really appreciate all of your hard work!