Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Congratulations to Savanna!!! Savanna was chosen as the 3rd grade student of the month! Way to go!!! I am very proud of you!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Weather Make-Up Days

I know so many of you are anxious to find out when we will be making up those 5 student days that were missed due to the snow. Students will now come on scheduled weather days and teacher inservice days.

Weather Make Up days:
February 21
March 11
April 22
April 25
May 27

Please make note of these changes! Hopefully we will remain snow and ice free these next few months!!!

Thanks for all you are doing at home! My class is doing great!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone enjoyed our surprise "Winter Break" last week! We are going to be VERY busy these next few months as we prepare for testing - SAT and ARMT. I do my very best to get all of our daily work sent home each day, and need your help as parents with this. :) If you see that your child has missed many problems, or had difficulty with something, PLEASE go over this at home. You may begin to see on some of the work a note that says something like "Rework for HW", please take time to do this. We are beginning to add in extra math, to help make sure students are ready for testing, which will also add in a few extra Math homeworks each week. These MAY NOT be on the weekly HW chart, so please check your child's folder daily to make sure all HW is completed. Thank you in advance for all of your help! You will be very thankful when we have WONDERFUL test scores from our class! :)

I am sending home a HW chart today, but you will need to move things forward a day. Here is our HW assignments for this week:

Spelling - ABC order (in cursive)
Reading - Read this week's story (page 40-53) and Fluency Passage
Math - Math Facts practice (5 minutes)
Science - Study for Bean Seed Test (Study Guide in folder today)

Spelling - Words 3x each in cursive
Reading - Fluency Passage
Math - Math Facts (5 minutes)
Science - Study for test

Spelling - Words 3x each in cursive
Reading - Fluency Passage
Math - Math Facts (5 minutes)
Science - Study for test

Spelling, Math Facts, and Science (bean) test will be given on Friday, January 21.