Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Spring Fling

Well, if any of you missed is a picture!!! Here I am in the Dunking Booth!!! It was really a lot of fun, and the kids had a blast dunking me! Yes, that was the water, that yucky orange/brown color! It was rusty from the fire engine that filled it up. Thanks so much to our SUPER room mother, Wendy Burns, who worked very hard on our class tent that day!!! It was a huge success!!

Spring Fun

Me, Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Mayes at the Talent Show

I am so sorry that my post have not been as regular! We have been having so much fun around here this Spring!! I am not sure who all came to the Talent Show, but if you didn't make it that missed out on LOTS!!! It was a great night, so much talent, and a fun surprise at the end! From our class, Chloe and Jaylen performed and they were both SUPER!!! I was very proud of them both. At the end, the teachers dressed up as Nuns and did the Sister Act "I Will Follow Him" song. It was so much fun!!!

Career Day Pictures

Today we had Career Day at our school. We had Holly Adams, Connor's mom, come and speak to our class about her job as a social worker. She works for Children's Rehabilitation Services and does many great things to help children. I really appreciate her coming. She did a great job, and sent some goodies home with the class! Thanks so much Holly!!!

We ended our Career Day with a surprise...we had a parent come and land a HELICOPTER on the field!!! This parent is in the military, and also works as a Drug Enforcement Agent. This was a fun experience for the class! I have some pictures of the helicopter below.